VCCI Registered Facility list
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1062 Eurofins Electrical and Electronic UK Limited Grangemouth Laboratory C-14741 05/17/2027 Unit 1, Grangemouth Technology Park, Earls Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8UZ, UK 01324 469000
3598 Intertek Testing Services (Shanghai FTZ) Co., Ltd. Intertek EMC lab (CE at mains port) C-14723 03/15/2027 Building No.86, 1198 Qinzhou Road (North), Shanghai, China 200233 +862161278446
2005 Bureau Veritas CPS Korea Tech Limited Shield Room 1 C-14685 12/14/2026 28 406-gil sejaro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea +82-31-222-4251
3581 Wendell Industrial Co., Ltd. Wendell EMC & RF Laboratory (W01) C-14684 12/14/2026 5F-1, No. 188, Baoqiao Road, Xindian District, New Taipei City 23145, Taiwan R.O.C +886-2917-5770#352
3606 Hangzhou TDT Technologies Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory-1# C-14683 12/14/2026 12# Binwen Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China +86-571-88317620
0831 The Standards Institution of Israel (SII) Electrical & Electronics Laboratory, EMC Branch C-14675 10/26/2026 42 Chaim Levanon Str., Tel Aviv, Israel +972-3-6465069
2216 Cerpass Technology Corporation Cerpass Test Laboratory (Taoyuan), CON01-NK-LISN C-14663 09/15/2026 No.10, Ln. 2, Lianfu St., Luzhu Dist., Taoyuan City 33848, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-3226-888
3569 KYB Corporation 開発実験センター シールドルーム2 C-14657 09/15/2026 岐阜県加茂郡川川辺町鹿塩字白砂1145-1 0574-26-6120
0642 Nemko Canada Inc. Nemko Montreal - Conducted Emissions at AC Mains Power Ports C-14649 09/15/2026 292 Labrosse Avenue, Pointe-Claire, Quebec 514 694 2684
0782 ONETECH Corp. ONETECH Corp. C-14617 04/20/2026 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea +82-31-799-9500
3271 Eurofins TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. CE Laboratory C-14595 04/20/2026 Building 3 No. 145, Jintang Rd., Pudong, Shanghai, PRC 086-21-50791141-8006
0726 QUANTA COMPUTER INC. Compliance Laboratory of QCMC (CE Lab) C-14594 03/16/2026 1F, No. 18-4, Zongbao Avenue, Shapingba District, Chongqing, China +86-23-8828-8168-16387
2608 New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. Reliability Laboratory C-14551 11/24/2025 No.466 Changhe Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China 86-571-86762847
2115 Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd. Dongguan Branch 553 Conduction Shielding Room C-14543 11/24/2025 No.96,Guantai Road(Houjie Section),Houjie Town,Dongguan City, Guangdong, China +86-768-89982098-8810
0271 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS Co., Ltd. SAMSUNG SUWON EMC TEST R5 Lab. C-14520 09/09/2025 (Maetan dong) 129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea +82-10-9318-1142
2718 TUV SUD Canada Inc. TUV SUD Canada Inc. C-14498 06/23/2025 11 Gordon Collins Drive, Gormley, Ontario, Canada, L0H 1G0 905-883-7255
0433 TUV SUD Ltd. TUV SUD Ltd. Bearley Facility C-14493 06/23/2025 Snitterfield Road, Bearley, Warwickshire, United Kingdom 01789731155
1600 SGS Taiwan Ltd. Hua Ya Conduction Site No. A C-14475 05/12/2025 No.2, Keji 1st Rd., Guishan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 886 2 2299 3279
3452 International Certification Corp. Line conducted test site (CO01-WS) C-14471 05/12/2025 No.3-1, Lane 6, Wen San 3rd St., Kwei Shan Dist, Tao Yuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 886-3-271-8666
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya Conducted Test Site CO05-HY C-14470 03/25/2028 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-3273456
1257 AUDIX Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. No. 3 Shielded Room C-14463 03/25/2028 3F 34Bldg., 680Guiping Rd., Caohejing Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai, China +86-21-64955500
2709 BTL Inc. DG-C02 C-14438 01/28/2028 No.3, Jinshagang 1st Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China 8676983183000
0237 Audix Technology Corporation Audix Technology Corporation No. 8 Shielded room C-14427 12/24/2027 No. 491, Zhongfu Rd., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan +886 2 2609-2133
0237 Audix Technology Corporation Audix Technology Corporation No. 7 Shielded room C-14426 12/24/2027 No. 491, Zhongfu Rd., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan +886 2 2609-2133
2186 LGAI Technological Center, S.A. (Applus+ Laboratories) SAC-0 C-14378 09/10/2027 Ronda de la Font del Carme s/n UAB 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain 93 567 20 00
2746 Jiangsu Electronic Information Product Quality Supervision & Inspection Institute CES1M C-14355 07/09/2027 No.100 Jinshui Road ,Wuxi,Jiangsu,P.R.China 0086-18961815865
0710 Compliance Certification Services Inc. CCS Conducted Test Site No. B C-14352 04/23/2027 No.163-1, Jhongsheng Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 23151, Taiwan +886-2-22170894
3061 SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. EMI Shielding Room C-14336 05/28/2027 No. 588 West Jindu Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, China 86-21 61915611
2906 SELA Corporation 電波暗室 No. 1 C-14310 02/20/2027 長野県佐久市横根362-1 0267660951
0378 Inventec Corporation SR No. 5 C-14178 11/06/2026 No. 349, Section 2, Renhe Road, Daxi District, Taoyuan City 335005, Taiwan 886-3-390-0000 Ext: 24250
3283 Toyama Industrial Technology Research and Development Center 富山県ものづくり研究開発センター 電波暗室 C-14151 10/03/2026 富山県高岡市二上町150 0766-21-2121
0378 Inventec Corporation SR No. 4 C-14138 10/03/2026 No. 349, Section 2, Renhe Road, Daxi District, Taoyuan City 335005, Taiwan 886-3-390-0000 Ext: 24248
3270 EST Technology Co., Ltd. 844 Shield room C-14103 07/24/2026 Santun Management Zone, Houjie District Dongguan, Guangdong.China 86-769-83081888
2934 SGS Korea Co., Ltd. SGS KOREA Co., Ltd. C-14102 10/03/2026 35, Giheungdanji-ro 121beon-gil, Giheung-gu, Youngin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 82-31-548-0710
3274 Shimane Insutitute Industrial Technology 島根県産業技術センター C-14097 07/24/2026 島根県松江市北陵町1 0852-60-5138
0264 HCT Co., Ltd. EMI Shield Room C-14040 07/24/2026 74, 578-gil, seoicheon-ro, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA +82-31-645-6426
3234 Industrial Research Institute of Niigata Prefecture 3 m電波暗室(登録) C-13967 03/01/2026 新潟県新潟市中央区鐙西1-11-1 025-244-9168
0378 Inventec Corporation SR No. 1 C-13891 12/23/2025 No. 349, Section 2, Renhe Road, Daxi District, Taoyuan City 335005, Taiwan 886-3-390-0000 Ext: 24240
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. LK-SR02 C-13837 10/19/2025 No.5-22, Ruishukeng, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-2-86013788
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 木更津 EMC 第4サイト EMIシールド C-13821 10/19/2025 千葉県木更津市潮見8-4 050-3140-2845
0259 EMC Japan Corporation 第1テストサイト C-13786 08/31/2025 神奈川県相模原市緑区長竹210-1 042-784-8006
1798 QualiTech, EMC Lab. QualiTech, EMC Lab. C-13775 05/27/2025 30 Hasivim Street, Petah-Tikwa, 49130, Israel 97246268401
0441 CANON ELECTRONICS INC. キヤノン電子 計測技術センター 10 m法電波暗室 C-13753 07/06/2025 埼玉県児玉郡美里町甘粕1611番地 0495-75-1060
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. LK-SR08 C-13723 06/07/2025 No. 5-22, Ruishukeng, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-2-86013788
0423 HIROSHIMA-TECHNOPLAZA CORPORATION 第2大型電波暗室 C-13722 07/06/2025 広島県東広島市鏡山3丁目13番26号 082-420-0500
0397 Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture Hamamatsu Technical Support Center 浜松工業技術支援センターNo. 1電波暗室 C-13720 06/07/2025 静岡県浜松市北区新都田1丁目3番3号 053-428-4155
0352 Nagano Prefectural General Industrial Technology Center Precision. Electronics & Aviation Technology Department 長野県工業技術総合センター 精密・電子・航空技術部門 電波暗室 C-13701 05/06/2028 長野県岡谷市長地片間町1-3-1 0266-23-4054
0710 Compliance Certification Services Inc. CCS Wugu Conducted Test Site No. B C-13700 05/06/2025 No 139, Wugong Rd, Wugu District, New Taipei City 24886, Taiwan 886-2-22984086
0710 Compliance Certification Services Inc. CCS Conducted Test Site No. A C-13699 06/07/2025 No. 163-1, Jhongsheng Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 23151, Taiwan +886-2-22170894
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 3 m法電波暗室 C-13697 05/06/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch Shielded room C C-13611 02/08/2028 No. 49, Ln. 206, Wende Rd., Shangshan Tsuen, Chiung Lin Hsiang, Hsin Chu Hsien, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-2641541
0277 Taiwan Testing and Certification Center Conduction Test Site 4 C-13518 08/08/2025 No.8, Lane 29, Wenming road, Guishan district, Taoyuan city, Taiwan, R.O.C. 886-3-3280026-651
0172 KONICA MINOLTA, INC. シールドルーム C-13515 12/21/2027 東京都八王子市石川町2970 070-2197-3934
0262 Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Limited 日本航空電子工業(株) 10 m 電波暗室 No. 1 C-13480 05/13/2027 東京都昭島市武蔵野3-1-1 042-549-9217
0346 TDK-Lambda Corporation 長岡テクニカルセンター EMCテストサイト C-13429 07/13/2027 新潟県長岡市摂田屋町2704番地1 070-2463-1787
1251 Kagawa Industry Support Foundation (NEXT KAGAWA) ネクスト香川 C-13327 03/25/2027 香川県高松市林町2217-44 087-864-5311
0049 Canon Inc. キヤノン取手E7電波暗室 C-13277 12/29/2026 茨城県取手市白山7-5-1 03-3758-2111
3034 Eurofins E&E Wireless Taiwan Co., Ltd. Conduction01-BD C-13275 01/18/2027 No. 140-1, Changan Street, Bade District, Taoyuan City, 334025, Taiwan 886-3-2710188
1409 EMCCons DR. RASEK GmbH & Co. KG EMCCons DR. RASEK GmbH & Co. KG C-13260 01/17/2026 Stoernhofer Berg 15 91364 Unterleinleiter, Germany 0049 9194 7263 0
2973 MG CO., LTD. 3 m法電波暗室 C-13250 01/18/2027 京都府木津川市州見台8丁目2番地3 0774-75-1172
0123 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 本社 EMI電波暗室 C-13121 07/14/2026 京都府長岡京市東神足1-10-1 075-955-7328
0657 Element Materials Technology Warwick Ltd. Laboratory 7 C-13067 05/16/2025 Unit E, South Orbital Trading Park, Hedon Road, Hull, HU9 1NJ, United Kingdom +44 01482 801801
0657 Element Materials Technology Warwick Ltd. Laboratory 5 C-13066 05/16/2025 Unit E, South Orbital Trading Park, Hedon Road, Hull, HU9 1NJ, United Kingdom +44 01482 801801
2893 EMTEK (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. No. 1 shielding room C-13065 10/27/2025 Bldg 69, Majialong Industry Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86-755-26954280
0137 EIZO Corporation Shielded Control Room No. 4 / シールドルーム No. 4 C-13064 04/22/2026 石川県白山市下柏野町153番地 076-274-2468
1980 Eurofins KCTL Co., Ltd. Shielded Room No. 1 C-12915 09/24/2025 52-20, Sinjeong-ro 41 beon-gil, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea +82-31-326-6750
0642 Nemko Canada Inc. Ottawa AC conducted C-12911 02/20/2026 303 River Road Ottawa Ontario 6137379680
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 幸田 伝導妨害波測定設備 C-12871 04/18/2027 愛知県額田郡幸田町坂崎雀ケ入1 050-3141-3510
2793 SGS Germany GmbH Shielded Chamber No. 6 C-12866 10/29/2025 Benzstrasse 26 82178 Puchheim (Germany) +4989787475440
0243 International Standards Laboratory Corp. Conduction 03 C-12845 07/30/2025 No. 120, Lane 180, Hsin Ho Rd., Lung-Tan Dist., Tao Yuan City 325, Taiwan +886-3-263-8888 ext 38877
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 川崎計測センター 小型暗室 C-12826 07/02/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区子母口398番地 044-751-5333
0708 Global EMC Standard Tech. Corp. A9 C-12821 07/02/2025 No. 3, Baodoucuokeng, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886226035321#391
0916 3C Test Ltd Screened Room 1 C-12772 03/22/2025 Silverstone Technology Park Silverstone Circuit Northamptonshire United Kingdom 01327857500
0916 3C Test Ltd Anechoic Chamber 3 C-12771 03/22/2025 Silverstone Technology Park Silverstone Circuit Northamptonshire United Kingdom 01327857500
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター シールドルーム C-12742 01/23/2028 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 10 m法電波暗室 C-12741 01/23/2028 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
2621 Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology EMC Lab. Shielded Room C-12728 01/23/2028 No. 400 Hong Cao Road, Shanghai, China 86-21-64701390-2024 ext
2653 Audix Technology (WuJiang) Co., Ltd. No. 1 Shielded Room C-12666 10/10/2027 No.1289,Jiangxing East Road,The Eastern Part of Wujiang Economic Development Zone,JiangSu,China +86-0512-63403993-1063
0842 Spectrum Research & Testing Laboratory Inc. Conduction & ISN Test Site C-12635 09/06/2027 No.167, Ln. 780, Shan-Tong Rd., Ling 8, Shan-Tong Li, Chung-Li District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan +886-3-498-7684
2537 Kumahira Co., Ltd. 3 m電波暗室 C-12633 06/02/2027 広島県広島市南区宇品東2丁目1−42 082-251-2111
1937 SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shielding Room (EMC0306 8.2 m (L) x 3 m (H) x 4.1 m (W)) C-12584 09/14/2027 198 Kezhu Road, Scientech Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technology Development Disctrict, Guangzhou, China +8620 3213 6416
0726 QUANTA COMPUTER INC. QSMC Compliance Laboratory (Conduction room) C-12529 02/05/2027 QSMC Chamber, No.68 Sanzhuang Road,Songjiang District,Shanghai,China 86-21-37818168-14042
2450 Worldwide Testing Services (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. Worldwide Testing Services (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. C-12507 02/16/2027 6F, No. 58, Lane 188, Ruey-Kuang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-2-6606-8877
0017 Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd. 神戸シールドルーム C-12430 12/14/2026 兵庫県神戸市西区高塚台1丁目5番1号 078-992-5719
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. LK-SR01 C-12428 12/14/2026 No.5-22, Ruishukeng, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-2-86013788
0271 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS Co., Ltd. Samsung Suwon EMC Test R4 Lab C-12421 12/14/2026 (Maetan dong) 129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea +82-31-277-7752
0466 Sporton International Inc. Zhu-Bei CO01-CB Conducted Test Site C-12388 09/28/2026 No.8, Ln. 724, Bo-ai Street, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-656-9065
1937 SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shielded Room (Mains Ports Conducted Interference Measurement) C-12383 09/28/2026 No.1 Workshop, M-10, Middle Section, Science & Technology Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86 0755 2532 8629
1814 Hong An Technology CO., LTD. HA2 C-12329 06/21/2026 No. 15-1, Cweishuh Keng, Cweipin Village, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-2-26030362
0638 Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. AUDIX Shenzhen No. 2 Shielded Room C-12268 05/24/2026 No. 6, Kefeng Road, Science & Technology Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86-755-2663-9496
4120 TQ-Systems GmbH Product Compliance Center / Shielded Room No. 2 C-12053 06/23/2025 Buergermeister-Ulrich-Str.100, 86199 Augsburg,Germany +498316904540
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch Hwa Ya Shielded room 2 C-12047 05/18/2028 No. 19, Hwa Ya 2nd Rd., Wen Hwa Vil., Kwei Shan Dist., Taoyuan City, TAIWAN(R.O.C.) +886-3-2641529
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch Hwa Ya Shielded room 1 C-12040 04/05/2028 No. 19, Hwa Ya 2nd Rd., Wen Hwa Vil., Kwei Shan Dist., Taoyuan City, TAIWAN (R.O.C.) +886-3-2641529
2092 Gumi University EMC Center Gumi University EMC Center C-11872 08/25/2027 37, Yaeun-ro, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do +82-54-440-1194
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch Shielded room 10 C-11852 11/16/2027 No. 47-2, 14th Ling, Chia Pau Vil., Lin Kou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-03-2641529
0237 Audix Technology Corporation No. 5 Shielded Room C-11811 06/12/2027 No. 67-4, Dingfu, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan +886 2 2609-2133
1938 Compliance Certification Services (KunShan) Inc. Compliance Certification Services (KunShan) Inc. C-11707 02/27/2027 No.10 weiye Rd,innovation park,Eco&Tec,Development Zone,kunshan City,Jiangsu,P.R.O.C +8651257355888
1847 Central Research Technology Co. TR5 C-11609 09/03/2026 11, Lane41, Fushuen St., Jungshan Chiu, Taipei, Taiwan 886-2-25875719
0240 TUV SUD Japan Ltd. テクノパーク高津電波暗室 C-11590 03/24/2028 神奈川県川崎市高津区北見方2-6-1 044-811-1111
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 木更津 EMC サイト EMIシールド C-11510 03/31/2026 千葉県木更津市潮見8-4 050-3140-2845
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