VCCI Registered Facility list
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3252 TUV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd. Conducted Room (Shield Room A) C-20106 09/05/2027 No. 458-19, Sec. 2, Fenliao Rd., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886 2172 7000# 1120
3252 TUV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd. 10 m semi-anechoic chamber R-20140 06/20/2027 No. 458-19, Sec. 2, Fenliao Rd., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886 2172 7000# 1120
4074 TUV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. TUV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Testing Center R-20112 07/19/2026 No. 362 Huanguan Road Middle, Longhua District, 518110, Shenzhen, P.R. China +86 755 82681326
4074 TUV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. TUV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Testing Center T-20081 06/14/2026 No. 362 Huanguan Road Middle, Longhua District, 518110, Shenzhen, P.R. China +86 755 82681326
4074 TUV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. TUV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Testing Center C-20080 06/14/2026 No. 362 Huanguan Road Middle, Longhua District, 518110, Shenzhen, P.R. China +86 755 82681326
4074 TUV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. TUV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Testing Center G-20105 06/14/2026 No. 362 Huanguan Road Middle, Longhua District, 518110, Shenzhen, P.R. China +86 755 82681326
2697 TUV Rheinland (Guangdong) Ltd. Radiated emission Chamber: District B G-20153 05/22/2025 No. 110, 1/F., Building B, No. 102, 1F of Southwest and No. 205, 2F of West Warehouse Building, No. 767 Tianyuan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, P.R.China +862028391159
2697 TUV Rheinland (Guangdong) Ltd. Conducted room_test area C C-20046 01/20/2025 No. 110, 1/F., Building B, No.102, 1F of Southwest and No.205, 2F of West Warehouse Building, No.767 Tianyuan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, P.R.China +862028391159
2697 TUV Rheinland (Guangdong) Ltd. Conducted room_test area C T-20045 01/20/2025 No. 110, 1/F., Building B, No.102, 1F of Southwest and No.205, 2F of West Warehouse Building, No.767 Tianyuan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, P.R.China +862028391159
2697 TUV Rheinland (Guangdong) Ltd. Radiated emission Chamber_District B R-20061 03/17/2025 No. 110, 1/F., Building B, No. 102, 1F of Southwest and No. 205, 2F of West Warehouse Building, No. 767 Tianyuan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, P.R.China +862028391159
4120 TQ-Systems GmbH Shielded Room No.2 T-20059 09/01/2025 Buergermeister-Ulrich-Str.100, 86199, Augsburg, Germany +498316904540
4120 TQ-Systems GmbH Product Compliance Center / Shielded Room No. 2 C-12053 06/23/2025 Buergermeister-Ulrich-Str.100, 86199 Augsburg,Germany +498316904540
4120 TQ-Systems GmbH SAC R-20082 09/01/2025 Buergermeister-Ulrich-Strasse 100, 86199 Ausburg, Germany +498316904540
4120 TQ-Systems GmbH FSOATS G-20082 11/17/2025 Buergermeister-Ulrich-Strasse 100, 86199 Augsburg Germany +498316904540
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 川崎計測センター 大型暗室 R-10713 09/30/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区子母口398番地 044-751-5333
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 川崎計測センター シールドルーム C-10733 09/30/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区子母口398番地 044-751-5333
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 川崎計測センター 小型暗室 C-12826 07/02/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区子母口398番地 044-751-5333
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 川崎計測センター シールドルーム T-11851 05/06/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区子母口398番地 044-751-5333
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 川崎計測センター 大型暗室 T-11853 05/06/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区子母口398番地 044-751-5333
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 川崎計測センター 小型暗室 T-11852 05/06/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区子母口398番地 044-751-5333
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 川崎計測センター 大型暗室 C-10734 09/30/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区子母口398番地 044-751-5333
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 関西計測センター2号シールド T-11542 03/25/2027 兵庫県三田市酒井49 079-569-1290
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 関西計測センター大型暗室 T-11540 03/25/2027 兵庫県三田市酒井49 079-569-1290
0075 TEAC CORPORATION 3/10 m法 電波暗室 G-10337 01/24/2026 埼玉県 入間市 小谷田 858 042-356-9193
0075 TEAC CORPORATION 3/10 m法 電波暗室 R-11116 09/30/2024 埼玉県 入間市 小谷田 858 042-356-9193
0075 TEAC CORPORATION シールドルーム No. 1 T-11700 12/21/2024 埼玉県 入間市 小谷田 858 042-356-9193
0075 TEAC CORPORATION 3/10 m法 電波暗室 C-11175 09/30/2024 埼玉県 入間市 小谷田 858 042-356-9193
0346 TDK-Lambda Corporation 長岡テクニカルセンター EMCテストサイト C-13429 07/13/2027 新潟県長岡市摂田屋町2704番地1 070-2463-1787
0346 TDK-Lambda Corporation 長岡テクニカルセンター EMCテストサイト R-13091 07/13/2027 新潟県長岡市摂田屋町2704番地1 0258-22-3663
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 3 m法電波暗室 G-10183 05/06/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 10 m法電波暗室 G-10182 05/06/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 3 m法電波暗室 R-13319 05/06/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 3 m法電波暗室 C-13697 05/06/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 10 m法電波暗室 C-12741 01/23/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター シールドルーム T-20116 02/20/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 3 m法電波暗室 T-20115 02/20/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 10 m法電波暗室 T-20114 02/20/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 10 m 法電波暗室 R-12500 01/23/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター シールドルーム C-12742 01/23/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
4342 Sushi TOWE Wireless Testing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Conducted Emissions Test Site C-20172 03/17/2027 F 401 and F 101 , Building E, Hongwei Industrial Zone, No. 6, Liuxian 3rd Road, Zone 70, Xingdong Community, Xin'an Street, Bao'an District,Shenzhen,China +8675527212361
4342 Sushi TOWE Wireless Testing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Conducted Emissions Test Site T-20174 03/17/2027 F 401 and F 101, Building E, Hongwei Industrial Zone, No. 6, Liuxian 3rd Road, Zone 70, Xingdong Community, Xin'an Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China +8675527212361
4342 Sushi TOWE Wireless Testing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 966 Chamber R-20216 02/18/2027 F 401 and F 101 , Building E, Hongwei Industrial Zone, No. 6, Liuxian 3rd Road, Zone 70, Xingdong Community, Xin'an Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China +8675527212361
4342 Sushi TOWE Wireless Testing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 966 Chamber G-20211 03/17/2027 F 401 and F 101 , Building E, Hongwei Industrial Zone, No. 6, Liuxian 3rd Road, Zone 70, Xingdong Community, Xin'an Street, Bao'an District,Shenzhen,China +8675527212361
3096 Standard Bank Co., Ltd. Standard Bank Co., Ltd. R-20071 04/21/2025 48, Gunpocheomdansaneop 2-ro, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea +82-31-393-9394
3096 Standard Bank Co., Ltd. Standard Bank Co., Ltd. C-20024 02/18/2027 48, Gunpocheomdansaneop 2-ro, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea +82-31-393-9394
3096 Standard Bank Co., Ltd. Standard Bank Co., Ltd G-20043 04/22/2027 48, Gunpocheomdansaneop 2-ro, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea +82-31-393-9394
3096 Standard Bank Co., Ltd. Standard Bank Co., Ltd T-20025 04/22/2027 48, Gunpocheomdansaneop 2-ro, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea +82-31-393-9394
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya 10 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 10CH01-HY R-11327 07/15/2025 No. 52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-327-3456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Zhu-Bei CO01-CB Conducted Test Site T-11957 10/19/2025 No.8, Ln. 724, Bo-ai Street, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-656-9065
0466 Sporton International Inc. Zhu-Bei 10CH01-CB Chamber G-10290 10/19/2025 No.8, Ln. 724, Bo-ai Street, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-656-9065
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya 10CH02-HY 10 m Semi-anechoic Chamber R-12012 01/24/2026 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-327-3456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH06-HY R-13988 03/25/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-3273456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Zhu-Bei Conducted Test Site CO02-CB C-14867 05/29/2025 No.8, Ln. 724, Bo-ai Street, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-656-9065
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya Conducted Test Site CO01-HY C-11393 07/15/2025 No. 52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-327-3456
0466 Sporton International Inc. KunShan 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH06-KS R-20060 04/21/2025 No. 1098, Pengxi North Road, Kunshan Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu province, China +886-0512-57900158
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya Conducted Test Site CO05-HY C-14470 03/25/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-3273456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya Conducted Test Site CO05-HY T-12071 03/25/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-3273456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH06-HY G-10943 03/13/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-3273456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Zhu-Bei Conducted Test Site CO02-CB T-12356 05/29/2025 No.8, Ln. 724, Bo-ai Street, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-656-9065
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya Conducted Test Site CO04-HY T-20132 11/20/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-327-3456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH01-HY R-20175 11/20/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-327-3456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH01-HY G-20168 11/20/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-327-3456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya Conducted Test Site CO04-HY C-20131 11/20/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-327-3456
0466 Sporton International Inc. KunShan 10 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 10CH01-KS G-20181 04/16/2026 No. 1098, Pengxi North Road, Kunshan Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu province, China +86-0512-57900158
0466 Sporton International Inc. KunShan 10 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 10CH01-KS R-20185 04/16/2026 No. 1098, Pengxi North Road, Kunshan Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu province, China +86-0512-57900158
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya Conducted Test Site CO07-HY C-20143 04/16/2026 No.58, Aly. 75, Ln. 564, Wenhua 3rd Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-3273456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya Conducted Test Site CO07-HY T-20143 04/16/2026 No.58, Aly. 75, Ln. 564, Wenhua 3rd Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-3273456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Shenzhen 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH05-SZ G-20183 05/28/2026 101, 1st Floor, Block B, Building 1,No. 2, Tengfeng 4th Road,Fenghuang Community,Fuyong Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen CityGuangdong Province 518103 +86-0755-86066985
0466 Sporton International Inc. CO01-SZ T-20144 05/28/2026 1/F, 2/F, Bldg 5, Shiling Industrial Zone, Xinwei Village, Xili, Nanshan, Shenzhen, 518055 People’s Republic of China +86-0755-86066985
0466 Sporton International Inc. CO01-SZ C-20145 05/28/2026 1/F, 2/F, Bldg 5, Shiling Industrial Zone, Xinwei Village, Xili, Nanshan, Shenzhen, 518055 People’s Republic of China +86-0755-86066985
0466 Sporton International Inc. Shenzhen 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH05-SZ R-20187 05/28/2026 101, 1st Floor, Block B, Building 1,No. 2, Tengfeng 4th Road, Fenghuang Community,Fuyong Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen City Guangdong Province 518103People’s Republic of China +86-0755-86066985
0466 Sporton International Inc. Zhu-Bei CO01-CB Conducted Test Site C-12388 09/28/2026 No.8, Ln. 724, Bo-ai Street, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-656-9065
0466 Sporton International Inc. Zhu-Bei 10CH01-CB Chamber R-12202 09/28/2026 No.8, Ln. 724, Bo-ai Street, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-656-9065
0466 Sporton International Inc. KunShan 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH02-KS G-20194 11/21/2026 No. 1098, Pengxi North Road, Kunshan Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu province, China +886-0512-57900158
0466 Sporton International Inc. KunShan 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH02-KS R-20201 10/15/2026 No. 1098, Pengxi North Road, Kunshan Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu province, China +886-0512-57900158
0466 Sporton International Inc. Lin-Kou Open Area Test Site OS04-LK R-13932 10/15/2024 No.30-2, Ding Fwu Tsuen., Lin kou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-2-2601-1640
0466 Sporton International Inc. CO01-KS T-20048 01/20/2025 No. 1098, Pengxi North Road, Kunshan Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu province, China +886-0512-57900158
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya Conducted Test Site CO01-HY T-11731 02/08/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-327-3456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya 10CH02-HY 10 m Semi-anechoic Chamber G-10126 02/08/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-327-3456
0466 Sporton International Inc. CO01-KS C-20049 02/17/2025 No. 1098, Pengxi North Road, Kunshan Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu province, China +886-0512-57900158
0466 Sporton International Inc. KunShan 3m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH06-KS G-20062 01/20/2025 No. 1098, Pengxi North Road, Kunshan Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu province, China +886-0512-57900158
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH10-HY R-14342 03/13/2025 No.58, Aly. 75, Ln. 564, Wenhua 3rd Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-3273456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH10-HY G-10944 03/13/2025 No.58, Aly. 75, Ln. 564, Wenhua 3rd Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-3273456
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH04-HY G-20066 03/17/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-327-3456
0842 Spectrum Research & Testing Laboratory Inc. Spectrum Research & Testing Laboratory Inc. C-12635 03/06/2025 No.167, Ln. 780, Shan-Tong Rd., Ling 8, Shan-Tong Li, Chung-Li District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan +886-3-498-7684
0842 Spectrum Research & Testing Laboratory Inc. Spectrum Research & Testing Laboratory Inc. R-12410 03/06/2025 No.167, Ln. 780, Shan-Tong Rd., Ling 8, Shan-Tong Li, Chung-Li District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan +886-3-498-7684
0842 Spectrum Research & Testing Laboratory Inc. Spectrum Research & Testing Laboratory Inc. G-20053 03/09/2025 No.167, Ln. 780, Shan-Tong Rd., Ling 8, Shan-Tong Li, Chung-Li District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan +886-3-498-7684
0842 Spectrum Research & Testing Laboratory Inc. ISN Test Site T-20035 11/04/2027 No.167, Ln. 780, Shan-Tong Rd., Ling 8, Shan-Tong Li, Chung-Li District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan +886-3-498-7684
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 木更津 EMC 第4サイト EMIシールド C-13821 10/19/2025 千葉県木更津市潮見8-4 050-3140-2845
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation SKD(幸田)サイト 通信端子妨害波測定設備 T-12376 09/11/2025 愛知県額田郡幸田町坂崎雀ケ入1 050-3809-3510
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 木更津 EMC 第4サイト 10 m電波暗室 G-10273 10/19/2025 千葉県木更津市潮見8-4 050-3140-2845
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 木更津 EMC第4サイト 10 m電波暗室 R-13448 10/19/2025 千葉県木更津市潮見8-4 050-3140-2845
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 木更津 EMC サイト EMIシールド C-11510 03/31/2026 千葉県木更津市潮見8-4 050-3140-2845
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 木更津 EMCサイト 3 m電波暗室 R-11443 07/29/2026 千葉県木更津市潮見8-4 0438-37-2750
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation SKD 幸田サイト 10 m 電波半無響室 G-10420 07/24/2026 愛知県額田郡幸田町坂崎雀ケ入1 050-3141-8181
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 木更津 EMC サイト EMIシールド T-11466 09/02/2026 千葉県木更津市潮見8-4 0438-37-2750
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 木更津 EMC 第4サイト EMIシールド T-11181 10/03/2026 千葉県木更津市潮見8-4 0438-37-2750
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 幸田 伝導妨害波測定設備 SR2 C-20174 02/18/2027 愛知県額田郡幸田町坂崎雀ケ入1 050-3809-3510
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 幸田 伝導妨害波測定設備 C-12871 04/18/2027 愛知県額田郡幸田町坂崎雀ケ入1 050-3141-3510
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 幸田 10 m 電波半無響室 R-11970 04/18/2027 愛知県額田郡幸田町坂崎雀ケ入1 050-3809-3510
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