VCCI Registered Facility list
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0916 3C Test Ltd Screened Room 1 C-12772 03/22/2025 Silverstone Technology Park Silverstone Circuit Northamptonshire United Kingdom 01327857500
0916 3C Test Ltd Anechoic Chamber 3 C-12771 03/22/2025 Silverstone Technology Park Silverstone Circuit Northamptonshire United Kingdom 01327857500
0008 Mitsubishi Electric Corpration 電子通信システム製作所 小型電波暗室 G-10161 03/23/2025 兵庫県尼崎市塚口本町8-1-1 06-6495-5100
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター シールドルーム T-20116 02/20/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 3 m法電波暗室 T-20115 02/20/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3649 Iwate Industrial Research Institute 大型電波暗室 C-20035 09/09/2027 岩手県盛岡市北飯岡2丁目4-25 019-635-1115
3649 Iwate Industrial Research Institute EMIシールド室 C-20034 09/09/2027 岩手県盛岡市北飯岡2丁目4-25 019-635-1115
3649 Iwate Industrial Research Institute 大型電波暗室 G-20052 09/09/2027 岩手県盛岡市北飯岡2丁目4-25 019-635-1115
1213 Industrial Technology Institute, Miyagi Prefectural Government 宮城県産業技術総合センター EMC試験室 T-11798 03/24/2025 宮城県仙台市泉区明通2丁目2番地 022-377-8700
1398 RAKURYOU TECHNICA CO., LTD. 洛菱・電波暗室 R-13293 03/24/2025 京都府長岡京市馬場図所1番地 075-958-3122
1251 Kagawa Industry Support Foundation (NEXT KAGAWA) ネクスト香川 T-11797 03/24/2025 香川県高松市林町2217-44 087-864-5311
1213 Industrial Technology Institute, Miyagi Prefectural Government 宮城県産業技術総合センター EMC試験室 G-10159 03/24/2025 宮城県仙台市泉区明通2丁目2番地 022-377-8700
1067 KOITO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, LTD. 電磁環境試験センター電波暗室 C-10749 03/24/2025 静岡県駿東郡長泉町南一色720 055-988-7151
1067 KOITO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, LTD. 電磁環境試験センター電波暗室 G-10153 03/24/2025 静岡県駿東郡長泉町南一色720 055-988-7151
1398 RAKURYOU TECHNICA CO., LTD. 洛菱・電波暗室 G-10158 03/24/2025 京都府長岡京市馬場図所1番地 075-958-3122
0240 TUV SUD Japan Ltd. テクノパーク高津電波暗室 R-11509 03/24/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区北見方2-6-1 044-811-1111
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 10 m法電波暗室 C-12741 01/23/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
2621 Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology EMC Lab. 10 m semi-anechoic chamber R-12486 01/23/2025 No.716 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai, China 86-21-64701390-2024 ext
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 10 m 法電波暗室 R-12500 01/23/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
2621 Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology EMC Lab. Shielded Room C-12728 01/23/2025 No.716 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai, China 86-21-64701390-2024 ext
0689 Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology 電波暗室 G-10632 03/25/2025 神奈川県海老名市下今泉705-1 046-236-1500
1257 AUDIX Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. No. 3 Shielded Room C-14463 03/25/2025 3F 34Bldg., 680Guiping Rd., Caohejing Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai, China +86-21-64955500
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya 3 m Semi-anechoic Chamber 03CH06-HY R-13988 03/25/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-3273456
0785 EMC Technologies Pty Ltd. EMC Technologies Pty Ltd. T-12062 03/25/2025 176 Harrick Road, Keilor Park, Victoria, Australia +613 9365 1000
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya Conducted Test Site CO05-HY C-14470 03/25/2025 No.52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-3273456
0689 Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology 電磁波シールド室 T-11404 03/25/2025 神奈川県海老名市下今泉705-1 046-236-1500
3070 CE 2 C-13475 10/26/2024 1F, Building E07, Yantai Export Processing Zone B Area, No. 50 Beijing Zhong Road, Yantai, Shandong, China +86-0535-3820000 ext 71300
1062 Eurofins Electrical and Electronic UK Limited Grangemouth Laboratory T-12268 05/17/2027 Unit 1, Grangemouth Technology Park, Earls Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8UZ, UK 01324 469000
0346 TDK-Lambda Corporation 長岡テクニカルセンター EMCテストサイト R-13091 07/13/2027 新潟県長岡市摂田屋町2704番地1 0258-22-3663
3252 TUV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd. 10 m semi-anechoic chamber G-20137 07/19/2027 No. 458-19, Sec. 2, Fenliao Rd., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886 2172 7000# 1120
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. FS-CB03 G-20135 06/20/2027 No. 6, Lane 75, Wenlin St., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-2-86013788
3196 ANRITSU CUSTOMER SUPPORT CO., LTD. EMCセンター1号電波暗室 G-10047 09/06/2027 神奈川県厚木市恩名5-1-1 046-296-6744
2653 Audix Technology (WuJiang) Co., Ltd. No. 1 Shielded Room T-11644 10/26/2027 No.1289, Jiangxing East Road, The Eastern Part of Wujiang Economic Development Zone, JiangSu, China +86-0512-63403993-1063
4356 eTest certification Laboratory Inc. C01 C-20185 06/23/2027 1F., No. 91, Ln. 298, Wengong 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333001, Taiwan(R.O.C.) +886 3 3971300
4356 eTest certification Laboratory Inc. C01 T-20186 06/23/2027 1F., No. 91, Ln. 298, Wengong 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333001, Taiwan(R.O.C.) +886 3 3971300
2653 Audix Technology (WuJiang) Co., Ltd. No. 1 Shielded Room C-12666 10/10/2027 No.1289,Jiangxing East Road,The Eastern Part of Wujiang Economic Development Zone,JiangSu,China +86-0512-63403993-1063
0943 Carrier Japan Engineering Corporation #502 電波暗室 R-10634 12/31/2027 静岡県富士市蓼原336番地 0545-62-5739
0594 MITSUBISHI Electric Engineering Co., Ltd. 長崎電波暗室 R-11855 02/24/2025 長崎県西彼杵郡時津町浜田郷517-7 095-881-1419
4153 Bay Area Compliance Labs Corp. (Linkou Laboratory) Conduction Room C-20104 07/19/2027 No. 6, Wende 2 Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33382, Taiwan(R.O.C.) +886-3-3961072
3196 ANRITSU CUSTOMER SUPPORT CO., LTD. EMCセンター2号電波暗室 G-10048 09/06/2027 神奈川県厚木市恩名5-1-1 046-296-6744
2653 Audix Technology (WuJiang) Co., Ltd. No. 2 Shielded Room C-14772 09/06/2027 No. 1289, Jiang Xing East Road, The Eastern Part of Wujiang Economic Development Zone, JiangSu, China +86-0512-63403993-1063
3656 Lab-T, Inc. 3 m semi-anechoic chamber_Building L G-10887 07/26/2027 2182-42, Baegok-daero, Mohyeon-myeon, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 82-31-322-6767
1062 Eurofins Electrical and Electronic UK Limited Grangemouth Laboratory G-10866 05/17/2027 Unit 1, Grangemouth Technology Park, Earls Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8UZ, UK 01324 469000
2653 Audix Technology (WuJiang) Co., Ltd. 10 m chamber R-12436 10/10/2027 No.1289,Jiangxing East Road,The Eastern Part of Wujing Economic Development Zone,JiangSu,China +86-0512-63403993-1063
0277 Taiwan Testing and Certification Center Semi-Anechoic Chamber No. 4 (3 m chamber) R-20139 07/19/2027 No.8, Lane 29, Wenming road, Guishan district, Taoyuan city, Taiwan, R.O.C. 888-3-3280026-651
3641 Shenzhen TCT Testing Technology Co., Ltd. 3 m Anechoic Chamber G-20133 05/23/2027 2101 & 2201, Zhenchang Factory, Renshan Industrial Zone, Fuhai Subdistrict, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86-0755-27673339
1062 Eurofins Electrical and Electronic UK Limited Grangemouth Laboratory C-14741 05/17/2027 Unit 1, Grangemouth Technology Park, Earls Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8UZ, UK 01324 469000
4153 Bay Area Compliance Labs Corp. (Linkou Laboratory) Conduction Room T-20105 07/19/2027 No.6, Wende 2Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33382, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-3961072
4153 Bay Area Compliance Labs Corp. (Linkou Laboratory) 966B Chamber G-20136 07/19/2027 No. 6, Wende 2 Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33382, Taiwan(R.O.C.) +886-3-3961072
2186 LGAI Technological Center, S.A. (Applus+ Laboratories) SAC-0 C-14378 09/10/2027 Ronda de la Font del Carme s/n UAB 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain 93 567 20 00
0137 EIZO Corporation Shield Control Room No.4 / シールドルーム No.4 T-12042 02/25/2025 石川県白山市下柏野町153番地 076-274-2468
3252 TUV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd. Conducted Room (Shield Room A) C-20106 09/05/2027 No. 458-19, Sec. 2, Fenliao Rd., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886 2172 7000# 1120
0782 ONETECH Corp. ONETECH Corp. G-10666 02/25/2025 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea +82-31-799-9500
0916 3C Test Ltd Anechoic Chamber 3 T-11680 11/29/2024 Silverstone Technology Park, Silverstone Circuit, Silverstone, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom +44 1327 857500
0916 3C Test Ltd Screened Room 1 T-11679 11/29/2024 Silverstone Technology Park, Silverstone Circuit, Silverstone, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom +44 1327 857500
4142 Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd. Measuring Conducted Emissions at AC Mains power ports C-20097 04/18/2027 Unit D/E of 9/F and 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Longhua District, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China 0755-28230888-837
4053 AA Electro Magnetic Test Laboratory Private Limited Conducted Emission (Telecom Line) T-20100 05/23/2027 174 udyog vihar phase 4 sector 18 gurgaon Haryana India +918870082081
0672 BTL Inc. CB08 R-14259 06/28/2027 No.68-1, Ln. 169, Sec. 2,Datong Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan +886-2-2641-8198
1062 Eurofins Electrical and Electronic UK Limited Grangemouth Laboratory R-14258 05/17/2027 Unit 1, Grangemouth Technology Park, Earls Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8UZ, UK 01324 469000
2450 Worldwide Testing Services (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. 966A R-20226 05/26/2027 No. 99, Sec. 1, Balian Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City 221, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-2-2646-1508
2746 Jiangsu Electronic Information Product Quality Supervision & Inspection Institute RES10-G G-10568 07/09/2027 No.100 Jinshui Road ,Wuxi,Jiangsu,P.R.China 0086-18961815865
0277 Taiwan Testing and Certification Center Conduction Test Site 10 m T-20185 05/26/2027 No.8, Lane 29, Wenming road, Guishan district, Taoyuan city, Taiwan, R.O.C. 886-3-3280026-651
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 木更津 EMCサイト 3 m電波暗室 G-10030 09/06/2027 千葉県木更津市潮見8-4 0438-37-2750
2793 SGS Germany GmbH Anechoic Chamber No. 8 R-12623 10/29/2028 Benzstrasse 26 82178 Puchheim (Germany) +4989787475440
4356 eTest certification Laboratory Inc. CB03 R-20228 06/23/2027 1F., No. 91, Ln. 298, Wengong 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333001, Taiwan(R.O.C.) +886 3 3971300
3656 Lab-T, Inc. 10 m semi-anechoic chamber_Building T G-10886 07/26/2027 2182-42, Baegok-daero, Mohyeon-myeon, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 82-31-322-6767
0243 International Standards Laboratory Corp. Conduction 02 T-11676 11/29/2027 No. 120, Lane 180, Hsin Ho Rd., Lung-Tan Dist., Tao Yuan City 325, Taiwan +886-3-263-8888 ext:38877
1937 SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. 10 m Semi-anechoic Chamber below 1 GHz (EMC0530) R-12460 09/14/2027 198 Kezhu Road,Scientech Park,Guangzhou Economic & Technology Development District, Guangzhou,Guangdong, China +86 20 3213 64116
0256 LG Electronics Inc. LG Electronics Inc. Digital Media Standards Laboratory G-10565 09/10/2027 222 LG-ro, Jinwi-myeon, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 82-31-610-6650
4142 Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd. Measuring Conducted Emissions at Telecommunication (Wired) ports T-20098 05/23/2027 Unit D/E of 9/F and 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Longhua District, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China 0755-28230888-837
0049 Canon Inc. キヤノン取手E7電波暗室 T-11373 09/10/2027 茨城県取手市白山7-5-1 03-3758-2111
0672 BTL Inc. CB11 G-10868 06/28/2027 No.68-1, Ln. 169, Sec. 2,Datong Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan +886-2-2641-8198
4143 KSIGN TESTING CO., LTD. KSIGN TESTING CO., LTD. R-20227 07/28/2027 Building 5, No. 316, Jianghong South Road, Binjiang District,Hangzhou 310052, China 13175088000
2653 Audix Technology (WuJiang) Co., Ltd. No. 2 Shielded Room T-12284 09/06/2027 No. 1289, Jiangxing East Road, The Eastern Part of Wujiang Economic Development Zone, JiangSu, China +86-0512-63403993-1063
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. FS-CB03 R-20138 06/20/2027 No. 6, Lane 75, Wenlin St., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-2-86013788
2653 Audix Technology (WuJiang) Co., Ltd. 3 m chamber G-10605 09/10/2027 No. 1289, Jiangxing East Road, The Eastern Part of Wujiang Economic Development Zone, JiangSu, China +86-0512-63403993-1063
2793 SGS Germany GmbH Shielded Chamber No. 6 C-12866 10/29/2025 Benzstrasse 26 82178 Puchheim (Germany) +4989787475440
2793 SGS Germany GmbH Anechoic Chamber No. 8 G-10266 10/03/2028 Benzstrasse 26 82178 Puchheim (Germany) +4989787475440
4356 eTest certification Laboratory Inc. CB03 G-20224 06/23/2027 1F., No. 91, Ln. 298, Wengong 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333001, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886 3 3971300
0277 Taiwan Testing and Certification Center EMC Department II Semi-Anechoic Chamber G-20138 07/19/2027 NO. 34. LIN 5. DINGFU, LINKOU DIST., NEW TAIPEI CITY, TAIWAN, 24442, R.O.C. +886-2-26023052 ext20
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. LK-CB05 R-13107 09/06/2027 No.5-22, Ruishukeng, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-2-86013788
0243 International Standards Laboratory Corp. Chamber 02 T-20188 07/28/2027 No. 120, Lane 180, Hsin Ho Rd., Lung-Tan Dist., Tao Yuan City 325, Taiwan +886-3-263-8888 ext38877
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch HwaYa Shielded Room 1 T-11653 10/26/2027 No.19, Hwa Ya 2nd Rd., Wen Hwa Vil., Kwei Shan Dist., Taoyuan City, TAIWAN (R.O.C.) +886-3-264-1529
3498 Keyway Testing Technology(Guangdong) Co., Ltd. 966 Chamber 2 above 1 G G-20227 09/08/2027 21st Floor, Building 6, Dongyi Intelligent Equipment, New Energy Vehicle Park, No. 30 of Tangxia District, Dongshen Road, Tangxia Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China +86-0769-87182258
1937 SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shielding Room (EMC0306 8.2 m (L) X 3 m (H) X 4.1 m (W)) C-12584 09/14/2027 198 Kezhu Road, Scientech Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technology Development Disctrict, Guangzhou, China +8620 3213 6416
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch Site 9 C-11312 03/31/2025 No. 47-2, 14th Ling, Chia Pau Vil., Lin Kou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan ( R.O.C ) 032641529
0056 OMRON Corporation オムロン株式会社 岡山EMCセンタ 測定室1 C-11299 03/31/2025 岡山県岡山市中区海吉2075 086-276-5652
0689 Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology 電波暗室 R-10315 03/31/2025 神奈川県海老名市下今泉705-1 046-236-1500
0056 OMRON Corporation オムロン株式会社 岡山EMCセンタ 10 m法電波暗室 R-11235 03/31/2025 岡山県岡山市中区海吉2075 086-276-5652
0008 Mitsubishi Electric Corpration 山電 シールドルーム C-10345 03/31/2025 広島県福山市緑町1番8号 084-926-8376
4142 Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd. Measuring Radiated Emissions below 1 GHz R-20135 05/23/2027 Unit D/E of 9/F and 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Longhua District, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China 0755-28230888-837
0008 Mitsubishi Electric Corpration 山電3 m法 電波暗室 C-11311 03/31/2025 広島県福山市緑町1番8号 084-926-8376
0916 3C Test Ltd AC 4 G-10817 10/26/2026 Silverstone Technology Park, Silverstone Circuit, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom +44 1327 857500
4142 Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd. Measuring Radiated Emissions above 1 GHz G-20130 04/18/2027 Unit D/E of 9/F and 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Longhua District, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China 0755-28230888-802
0672 BTL Inc. C05 C-14742 06/28/2027 No. 68-1, Ln. 169, Sec. 2, Datong Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan +886-2-2641-8198
0672 BTL Inc. C05 T-12265 06/28/2027 No. 68-1, Ln. 169, Sec. 2, Datong Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan +886-2-2641-8198
0672 BTL Inc. CB08 G-10867 06/28/2027 No.68-1, Ln. 169, Sec. 2,Datong Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan +886-2-2641-8198
0672 BTL Inc. CB11 R-14260 06/28/2027 No.68-1, Ln. 169, Sec. 2,Datong Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan +886-2-2641-8198
3148 UL International-Singapore Pte Ltd Radiated Emissions 10 m Chamber G-10846 05/17/2027 20 Kian Teck Lane, Level 5, Singapore +6568764625
3252 TUV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd. 10 m semi-anechoic chamber R-20140 06/20/2027 No. 458-19, Sec. 2, Fenliao Rd., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886 2172 7000# 1120
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