VCCI Registered Facility list
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0037 Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation EMCセンター 電波暗室 C-10179 03/31/2027 東京都府中市東芝町1 042-333-2037
0037 Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation EMCセンター シールドルーム C-10180 03/31/2027 東京都府中市東芝町1 042-333-2037
0279 NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION(NTT) NTT宇宙環境エネルギー研究所 Bサイト C-10216 09/30/2025 東京都武蔵野市緑町3-9-11 NTT武蔵野研究開発センタ 0422-59-4222
0279 NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION(NTT) NTT宇宙環境エネルギー研究所 Cサイト C-10217 09/30/2025 東京都武蔵野市緑町3-9-11 NTT武蔵野研究開発センタ 0422-59-4222
0054 CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. 羽村EMCセンター シールドルーム1 C-10223 09/30/2025 東京都羽村市栄町3-2-1 042-579-7282
0054 CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. 羽村EMCセンター シールドルーム2 C-10224 09/30/2025 東京都羽村市栄町3-2-1 042-579-7282
0277 Taiwan Testing and Certification Center Shielding Room C-10241 02/09/2027 No.34, Lin 5, Dingfu, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-2-26023052#33
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch No. 3 Site C-10274 06/30/2026 No. 47-2, 14th Ling, Chia Pau Vil., Lin Kou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan ( R.O.C ) +886-3-2641529
0689 Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology 電磁波シールド室 C-10327 03/31/2028 神奈川県海老名市下今泉705-1 046-236-1500
0008 Mitsubishi Electric Corpration 山電 シールドルーム C-10345 03/31/2028 広島県福山市緑町1番8号 084-926-8376
0742 Industrial Technology Center of OKAYAMA Pref. 電波暗室 C-10378 12/31/2025 岡山県岡山市北区芳賀5301 086-286-9600
0008 Mitsubishi Electric Corpration 電子通信システム製作所 EMI計測室 C-10441 09/23/2027 兵庫県尼崎市塚口本町8-1-1 06-6495-5100
0943 Carrier Japan Engineering Corporation #502 電波暗室 C-10655 12/31/2027 静岡県富士市蓼原336番地 0545-62-5739
0910 FORCE Technology EMC-5 C-10706 04/09/2027 Venlighedsvej 4 DK-2970 Hoersholm Denmark +45 4325 0000
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 川崎計測センター シールドルーム C-10733 09/30/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区子母口398番地 044-751-5333
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 川崎計測センター 大型暗室 C-10734 09/30/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区子母口398番地 044-751-5333
1067 KOITO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, LTD. 電磁環境試験センター電波暗室 C-10749 03/24/2025 静岡県駿東郡長泉町南一色720 055-988-7151
0638 Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. AUDIX Shenzhen No. 1 Shielded Room C-10837 03/31/2026 No.6 Ke Feng Road, Science &Technology Park,Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86-755-26639496
0592 Hermon Laboratories Ltd. Hermon Laboratories shielded room C-10845 11/04/2026 HaTachana road, P.O.B. 23, Binyamina, Israel +972 4626 8440
1192 Chiba Industry Advancement Center Tokatsu Techno Plaza 東葛テクノプラザ 電波暗室 C-10897 06/30/2026 千葉県柏市柏の葉5-4-6 04-7133-0139
0777 SEIWA ELECTRIC MFG CO., LTD. SEIWA EMC Lab2 C-10925 06/27/2026 京都府城陽市寺田新池36 0774558180
0035 ADVANTEST CORPORATION EMC センタ群馬 電波暗室 C-10929 06/30/2026 群馬県邑楽郡明和町大輪336-1 0276-70-3300
0035 ADVANTEST CORPORATION EMC センタ群馬 シールドルーム C-10930 06/30/2026 群馬県邑楽郡明和町大輪336-1 0276-70-3300
1213 Industrial Technology Institute, Miyagi Prefectural Government 宮城県産業技術総合センター EMC試験室 C-10942 06/30/2026 宮城県仙台市泉区明通2−2 022-377-8700
1208 CTK Co., Ltd. CTK No. 1 Shielded Room C-10986 09/30/2026 (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea +82-31-339-9871
0237 Audix Technology Corporation AUDIX Technology Corporation No. 3 Shielded Room C-10996 09/30/2026 No.67-4, Dingfu, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan +886 2609-2133
1257 AUDIX Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. No. 1 Shielded Room C-11002 09/30/2026 3F Building 34, No.680 Guiping Rd., Caohejing Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai, China +86-21-64955500
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch No. 5 Site C-11093 03/31/2027 No. 47-2, 14th Ling, Chia Pau Vil., Lin Kou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan ( R.O.C.) +886-3-264-1529
1349 Interocean EMC Technology Corp. Conducted Room C-11094 03/31/2027 No. 5-2, Lin 1, Tin-Fu, Lin-Kou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan 244, R.O.C. +886-2-2600-6861
3196 ANRITSU CUSTOMER SUPPORT CO., LTD. EMCセンター 1号電波暗室 C-11096 03/31/2027 神奈川県厚木市恩名5-1-1 046-296-6744
3196 ANRITSU CUSTOMER SUPPORT CO., LTD. EMCセンター 2号電波暗室 C-11097 03/31/2027 神奈川県厚木市恩名5-1-1 046-296-6744
1433 MITAC COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION MITAC EMC LAB C-11173 06/30/2027 No. 200, Wenhua 2nd Road, Guishan District, Taoyuan City , Taiwan, R.O.C. 88633275988
0075 TEAC CORPORATION 3/10 m法 電波暗室 C-11175 09/30/2027 埼玉県 入間市 小谷田 858 042-356-9193
1328 The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd. Shield Room (EM154) C-11227 03/09/2027 10 Dai Wang Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong 852 26661888
3578 VAIO Corporation EMCサイト EMIシールドルーム No. 1 C-11253 06/10/2027 長野県安曇野市豊科5432 0263-87-0810
0056 OMRON Corporation オムロン株式会社 岡山EMCセンタ 測定室1 C-11299 03/31/2028 岡山県岡山市中区海吉2075 070-7813-2753
0008 Mitsubishi Electric Corpration 山電3 m法 電波暗室 C-11311 03/31/2028 広島県福山市緑町1番8号 084-926-8376
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch Site 9 C-11312 03/31/2025 No. 47-2, 14th Ling, Chia Pau Vil., Lin Kou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan ( R.O.C ) 032641529
0466 Sporton International Inc. Hwa Ya Conducted Test Site CO01-HY C-11393 07/15/2025 No. 52, Huaya 1st Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-327-3456
1722 Dt&C Co., Ltd. DT&C Co., Ltd. C-11427 05/27/2025 42, Yurim-ro 154 beon-gil, Cheoin-Gu, Yongin-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, Republic of Korea 82-31-321-2664
0243 International Standards Laboratory Corp. Conduction 02 C-11440 03/31/2026 No. 120, Lane 180, Hsin Ho Rd., Lung-Tan Dist., Tao Yuan City 325, Taiwan +886-3-263-8888 ext 38877
0137 EIZO Corporation Shielded Control Room No. 1 / シールドルーム No. 1 C-11479 03/31/2026 石川県白山市下柏野町153番地 076-274-2468
0049 Canon Inc. キヤノン取手D7A電波暗室 C-11505 03/31/2026 茨城県取手市白山7-5-1 03-3758-2111
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 木更津 EMC サイト EMIシールド C-11510 03/31/2026 千葉県木更津市潮見8-4 050-3140-2845
0240 TUV SUD Japan Ltd. テクノパーク高津電波暗室 C-11590 03/24/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区北見方2-6-1 044-811-1111
1847 Central Research Technology Co. TR5 C-11609 09/03/2026 11, Lane41, Fushuen St., Jungshan Chiu, Taipei, Taiwan 886-2-25875719
1938 Compliance Certification Services (KunShan) Inc. Compliance Certification Services (KunShan) Inc. C-11707 02/27/2027 No.10 weiye Rd,innovation park,Eco&Tec,Development Zone,kunshan City,Jiangsu,P.R.O.C +8651257355888
0237 Audix Technology Corporation No. 5 Shielded Room C-11811 06/12/2027 No. 67-4, Dingfu, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan +886 2 2609-2133
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch Shielded room 10 C-11852 11/16/2027 No. 47-2, 14th Ling, Chia Pau Vil., Lin Kou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-03-2641529
2092 Gumi University EMC Center Gumi University EMC Center C-11872 08/25/2027 37, Yaeun-ro, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do +82-54-440-1194
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch Hwa Ya Shielded room 1 C-12040 04/05/2025 No.19, Hwa Ya 2nd Rd., Wen Hwa Vil., Kwei Shan Dist., Taoyuan City, TAIWAN (R.O.C.) 032641529
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch Hwa Ya Shielded room 2 C-12047 05/18/2025 No.19, Hwa Ya 2nd Rd., Wen Hwa Vil., Kwei Shan Dist., Taoyuan City, TAIWAN(R.O.C.) 032641529
4120 TQ-Systems GmbH Product Compliance Center / Shielded Room No. 2 C-12053 06/23/2025 Buergermeister-Ulrich-Str.100, 86199 Augsburg,Germany +498316904540
0638 Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. AUDIX Shenzhen No. 2 Shielded Room C-12268 05/24/2026 No. 6, Kefeng Road, Science & Technology Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86-755-2663-9496
1814 Hong An Technology CO., LTD. HA2 C-12329 06/21/2026 No. 15-1, Cweishuh Keng, Cweipin Village, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-2-26030362
1937 SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shielded Room (Mains Ports Conducted Interference Measurement) C-12383 09/28/2026 No.1 Workshop, M-10, Middle Section, Science & Technology Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86 0755 2532 8629
0466 Sporton International Inc. Zhu-Bei CO01-CB Conducted Test Site C-12388 09/28/2026 No.8, Ln. 724, Bo-ai Street, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-3-656-9065
0271 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS Co., Ltd. Samsung Suwon EMC Test R4 Lab C-12421 12/14/2026 (Maetan dong) 129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea +82-31-277-7752
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. LK-SR01 C-12428 12/14/2026 No.5-22, Ruishukeng, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-2-86013788
0017 Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd. 神戸シールドルーム C-12430 12/14/2026 兵庫県神戸市西区高塚台1丁目5番1号 078-992-5719
2450 Worldwide Testing Services (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. Worldwide Testing Services (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. C-12507 02/16/2027 6F, No. 58, Lane 188, Ruey-Kuang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-2-6606-8877
0726 QUANTA COMPUTER INC. QSMC Compliance Laboratory (Conduction room) C-12529 02/05/2027 QSMC Chamber, No.68 Sanzhuang Road,Songjiang District,Shanghai,China 86-21-37818168-14042
1937 SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shielding Room (EMC0306 8.2 m (L) x 3 m (H) x 4.1 m (W)) C-12584 09/14/2027 198 Kezhu Road, Scientech Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technology Development Disctrict, Guangzhou, China +8620 3213 6416
2003 TUV SUD Canada (Ottawa) TUV SUD Canada (Ottawa) C-12600 01/23/2025 1280 Teron Road, Kanata, Ontario, Canada 16132181841
2537 Kumahira Co., Ltd. 3 m電波暗室 C-12633 06/02/2027 広島県広島市南区宇品東2丁目1−42 082-251-2111
0842 Spectrum Research & Testing Laboratory Inc. Conduction & ISN Test Site C-12635 09/06/2027 No.167, Ln. 780, Shan-Tong Rd., Ling 8, Shan-Tong Li, Chung-Li District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan +886-3-498-7684
0022 Yamaha Corporation シールドルーム3(ヤマハEMCセンターシールドルーム3) C-12656 09/06/2027 静岡県浜松市中央区中沢町10−1 053-460-2240
2653 Audix Technology (WuJiang) Co., Ltd. No. 1 Shielded Room C-12666 10/10/2027 No.1289,Jiangxing East Road,The Eastern Part of Wujiang Economic Development Zone,JiangSu,China +86-0512-63403993-1063
2621 Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology EMC Lab. Shielded Room C-12728 01/23/2025 No.716 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai, China 86-21-64701390-2024 ext
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 10 m法電波暗室 C-12741 01/23/2028 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター シールドルーム C-12742 01/23/2028 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
0916 3C Test Ltd Anechoic Chamber 3 C-12771 03/22/2025 Silverstone Technology Park Silverstone Circuit Northamptonshire United Kingdom 01327857500
0916 3C Test Ltd Screened Room 1 C-12772 03/22/2025 Silverstone Technology Park Silverstone Circuit Northamptonshire United Kingdom 01327857500
0708 Global EMC Standard Tech. Corp. A9 C-12821 07/02/2025 No. 3, Baodoucuokeng, Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886226035321#391
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering 川崎計測センター 小型暗室 C-12826 07/02/2025 神奈川県川崎市高津区子母口398番地 044-751-5333
0243 International Standards Laboratory Corp. Conduction 03 C-12845 07/30/2025 No. 120, Lane 180, Hsin Ho Rd., Lung-Tan Dist., Tao Yuan City 325, Taiwan +886-3-263-8888 ext 38877
2793 SGS Germany GmbH Shielded Chamber No. 6 C-12866 10/29/2025 Benzstrasse 26 82178 Puchheim (Germany) +4989787475440
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation 幸田 伝導妨害波測定設備 C-12871 04/18/2027 愛知県額田郡幸田町坂崎雀ケ入1 050-3141-3510
0642 Nemko Canada Inc. Ottawa AC conducted C-12911 02/20/2026 303 River Road Ottawa Ontario 6137379680
1980 Eurofins KCTL Co., Ltd. Shielded Room No. 1 C-12915 09/24/2025 52-20, Sinjeong-ro 41 beon-gil, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea +82-31-326-6750
0137 EIZO Corporation Shielded Control Room No. 4 / シールドルーム No. 4 C-13064 04/22/2026 石川県白山市下柏野町153番地 076-274-2468
2893 EMTEK (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. No. 1 shielding room C-13065 10/27/2025 Bldg 69, Majialong Industry Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86-755-26954280
0657 Element Materials Technology Warwick Ltd. Laboratory 5 C-13066 05/16/2025 Unit E, South Orbital Trading Park, Hedon Road, Hull, HU9 1NJ, United Kingdom +44 01482 801801
0657 Element Materials Technology Warwick Ltd. Laboratory 7 C-13067 05/16/2025 Unit E, South Orbital Trading Park, Hedon Road, Hull, HU9 1NJ, United Kingdom +44 01482 801801
0123 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 本社 EMI電波暗室 C-13121 07/14/2026 京都府長岡京市東神足1-10-1 075-955-7328
2973 MG CO., LTD. 3 m法電波暗室 C-13250 01/18/2027 京都府木津川市州見台8丁目2番地3 0774-75-1172
1409 EMCCons DR. RASEK GmbH & Co. KG EMCCons DR. RASEK GmbH & Co. KG C-13260 01/17/2026 Stoernhofer Berg 15 91364 Unterleinleiter, Germany 0049 9194 7263 0
3034 Eurofins E&E Wireless Taiwan Co., Ltd. Conduction01-BD C-13275 01/18/2027 No. 140-1, Changan Street, Bade District, Taoyuan City, 334025, Taiwan 886-3-2710188
0049 Canon Inc. キヤノン取手E7電波暗室 C-13277 12/29/2026 茨城県取手市白山7-5-1 03-3758-2111
1251 Kagawa Industry Support Foundation (NEXT KAGAWA) ネクスト香川 C-13327 03/25/2027 香川県高松市林町2217-44 087-864-5311
0346 TDK-Lambda Corporation 長岡テクニカルセンター EMCテストサイト C-13429 07/13/2027 新潟県長岡市摂田屋町2704番地1 070-2463-1787
0262 Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Limited 日本航空電子工業(株) 10 m 電波暗室 No. 1 C-13480 05/13/2027 東京都昭島市武蔵野3-1-1 042-549-9217
0172 KONICA MINOLTA, INC. シールドルーム C-13515 12/21/2027 東京都八王子市石川町2970 070-2197-3934
0277 Taiwan Testing and Certification Center Conduction Test Site 4 C-13518 02/08/2025 No.8, Lane 29, Wenming road, Guishan district, Taoyuan city, Taiwan, R.O.C. 886-3-3280026-651
0395 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch Shielded room C C-13611 02/08/2028 No.49, Ln. 206, Wende Rd., Shangshan Tsuen, Chiung Lin Hsiang, Hsin Chu Hsien, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-2641541
3137 TDK Corporation 秋田EMCセンター 3 m法電波暗室 C-13697 05/06/2025 秋田県にかほ市平沢字立沢200 0184-35-5088
0710 Compliance Certification Services Inc. CCS Conducted Test Site No. A C-13699 06/07/2025 No. 163-1, Jhongsheng Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 23151, Taiwan +886-2-22170894
0710 Compliance Certification Services Inc. CCS Wugu Conducted Test Site No. B C-13700 05/06/2025 No 139, Wugong Rd, Wugu District, New Taipei City 24886, Taiwan 886-2-22984086
0352 Nagano Prefectural General Industrial Technology Center Precision. Electronics & Aviation Technology Department 長野県工業技術総合センター 精密・電子・航空技術部門 電波暗室 C-13701 05/06/2028 長野県岡谷市長地片間町1-3-1 0266-23-4054
0397 Industrial Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture Hamamatsu Technical Support Center 浜松工業技術支援センターNo. 1電波暗室 C-13720 06/07/2025 静岡県浜松市北区新都田1丁目3番3号 053-428-4155
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