VCCI Registered Facility list
« | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | » Current 8/13 Page (Total 1243 items)
1722 Dt&C Co., Ltd. Dt&C Kisool R-14496 04/22/2027 42, Yurim-ro 1254 beon-gil, Cheoin-Gu, Yongin-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, Republic of Korea 82-31-321-2664
2537 Kumahira Co., Ltd. 3 mÅÅÇȰż¼ C-12633 06/02/2027 ¹­Å縩¹­Åç»ÔÆî¶è±§ÉÊÅ죲ÃúÌÜ£±¡Ý£´£² 082-251-2111
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. AC1 R-20217 02/18/2027 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, 215006 P.R. China +86-512-62515088-5108
2537 Kumahira Co., Ltd. 3 mÅÅÇȰż¼ R-12408 06/02/2027 ¹­Å縩¹­Åç»ÔÆî¶è±§ÉÊÅ죲ÃúÌÜ£±¡Ý£´£² 082-251-2111
4342 Sushi TOWE Wireless Testing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 966 Chamber R-20216 02/18/2027 F 401 and F 101 , Building E, Hongwei Industrial Zone, No. 6, Liuxian 3rd Road, Zone 70, Xingdong Community, Xin'an Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China +8675527212361
4342 Sushi TOWE Wireless Testing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 966 Chamber G-20211 03/17/2027 F 401 and F 101 , Building E, Hongwei Industrial Zone, No. 6, Liuxian 3rd Road, Zone 70, Xingdong Community, Xin'an Street, Bao'an District,Shenzhen,China +8675527212361
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation ¹¬ÅÄ¡¡10 m ÅÅÇÈȾ̵¶Á¼¼ R-11970 04/18/2027 °¦Ãθ©³ÛÅÄ·´¹¬ÅÄÄ®ºäºê¿ý¥±Æþ£± 050-3809-3510
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. HC-CB01 G-20046 05/20/2027 No.372, Sec. 4, Zhongxing Rd., Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County 310, Taiwan 31061, R.O.C. +886-3-582-8001
0575 Industrial Technology Institute Fukushima Prefectural Government ÅÅÇȰż¼ C-20032 06/17/2027 Ê¡Å縩·´»³»ÔÂÔÃÓÂæ1-12 024-959-1738
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè1ÅÅÇȰż¼ R-20221 03/17/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247483
2092 Gumi University EMC Center Gumi University EMC Center C-11872 08/25/2027 37, Yaeun-ro, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do +82-54-440-1194
1409 EMCCons DR. RASEK GmbH & Co. KG EMCCons DR. RASEK GmbH & Co. KG T-11504 01/18/2027 Stoernhofer Berg 15 91364 Unterleinleiter Germany 0049 9194 7263 0
1849 Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation ¹¬ÅÄ¡¡Í­Àþ¥Í¥Ã¥È¥ï¡¼¥¯¥Ý¡¼¥È˸³²ÇȬÄêÀßÈ÷ SR2 T-20176 04/14/2027 °¦Ãθ©³ÛÅÄ·´¹¬ÅÄÄ®ºäºê¿ý¥±Æþ1 050-3809-3510
2005 Bureau Veritas CPS Korea Tech Limited Semi-anechoic Chamber R-14202 05/17/2027 28 406-gil,Sejaro, Hwaseong-si,Gyeonggi-do, Korea +82-31-222-4251
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè1ÅÅÇȰż¼ (Test volume 2 m) G-20214 03/17/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247483
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè4ÅÅÇȰż¼ R-20223 04/14/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247581
4053 AA Electro Magnetic Test Laboratory Private Limited Emission Measurement G-20127 03/21/2027 First Floor, 174 udyog vihar phase 4 sector 18 gurgaon Haryana India +918870082081
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè1ÅÅÇȰż¼ C-20178 03/17/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247483
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè2ÅÅÇȰż¼ R-20222 03/17/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247483
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè3ÅÅÇȰż¼ R-20224 04/14/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247581
3834 Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd. C-1 C-20028 04/22/2027 Building A, B and Building E, No. 372-7, Sec. 4, Zhongxing Rd., Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan +886228967790
1192 Chiba Industry Advancement Center Tokatsu Techno Plaza Åì³ë¥Æ¥¯¥Î¥×¥é¥¶¡¡ÅÅÇȰż¼ T-11608 07/13/2027 ÀéÍÕ¸©Çð»ÔÇð¤ÎÍÕ5-4-6 04-7133-0139
1438 Miyazaki Prefecture Industrial Technology Center Åż§´Ä¶­»î¸³ÅïÅÅÇȰż¼ R-20044 07/22/2027 µÜºê»Ôº´ÅÚ¸¶Ä®Åì¾åÆá²Ñ16500-2 0985-74-4311
1438 Miyazaki Prefecture Industrial Technology Center Åż§´Ä¶­»î¸³ÅïÅÅÇȰż¼ C-14965 07/22/2027 µÜºê»Ôº´ÅÚ¸¶Ä®Åì¾åÆá²Ñ16500-2 0985-74-4311
1438 Miyazaki Prefecture Industrial Technology Center Åż§´Ä¶­»î¸³ÅïÅÅÇȰż¼ G-20047 06/17/2027 µÜºê»Ôº´ÅÚ¸¶Ä®Åì¾åÆá²Ñ16500-2 0985-74-4311
3207 DSTech Co., Ltd. Shield room T-20042 07/20/2025 25, 2565beon-gil, Jungbu-daero, Yangji-myun, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea +821047119879
3834 Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd. CT-1 T-20029 04/22/2027 Building A, B and Building E, No. 372-7, Sec. 4, Zhongxing Rd., Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan +886228967790
0243 International Standards Laboratory Corp. Chamber 02 G-10017 07/13/2027 No. 120, Lane 180, Hsin Ho Rd., Lung-Tan Dist., Tao Yuan City 325, Taiwan +886-3-263-8888 ext38877
0243 International Standards Laboratory Corp. Chamber 12 G-10016 07/13/2027 No. 120, Lane 180, Hsin Ho Rd., Lung-Tan Dist., Tao Yuan City 325, Taiwan +886-3-263-8888 ext38877
0271 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS Co., Ltd. Samsung Suwon EMC Test R4 Lab R-12224 06/14/2027 (Maetan dong) 129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea +82-31-277-7752
3834 Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd. 966-1 G-20044 05/20/2027 Building B and Building E, No. 372-7, Sec. 4, Zhongxing Rd., Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan +886228967790
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè5ÅÅÇȰż¼ C-20179 04/14/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247483
0025 NEC Platforms, Ltd. ¹ÃÉÜ»ö¶È½ê¡¦ÅÅÇȰż¼ R-10153 03/31/2027 »³Íü¸©¹ÃÉÜ»ÔÂçÄÅÄ®1088-3 055-243-4160
0575 Industrial Technology Institute Fukushima Prefectural Government ÅÅÇȰż¼ G-20048 07/22/2027 Ê¡Å縩·´»³»ÔÂÔÃÓÂæ1¡Ý12 024-959-1738
0592 Hermon Laboratories Ltd. Hermon Laboratories shielded room C-20183 04/14/2027 HaTakhana road, P.O.B 23, Binyamina, Israel +972 4628 8001
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering ´ØÀ¾·×¬¥»¥ó¥¿¡¼£²¹æ¥·¡¼¥ë¥É T-11542 03/25/2027 ʼ¸Ë¸©»°ÅĻԼò°æ49 079-569-1290
3776 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Taiwan) Conduction Room T-20026 04/22/2027 70, Lane 169, Sec. 2, Datong Road,Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City 22183, Taiwan, R.O.C. 02-2647 6898
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè3ÅÅÇȰż¼ (Test volume 2 m) G-20216 04/14/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247581
0592 Hermon Laboratories Ltd. Hermon Laboratories shielded room T-11606 07/13/2027 HaTakhana road, P.O.B. 23, Binyamina, Israel +972 4628 8001
4112 Attestation of Global Compliance (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Attestation of Global Compliance (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. R-20136 06/20/2027 1-2/F, Building 19, Junfeng Industrial Park, Chongqing Road, Heping Community, Fuhai Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, P.R.China +86-755-2523 4088
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè2ÅÅÇȰż¼ (Test volume 1.5 m) G-20215 04/14/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247483
3834 Underwriters Laboratories Taiwan Co., Ltd. 966-1_H R-20033 04/22/2027 Building B and Building E, No. 372-7, Sec. 4, Zhongxing Rd., Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan +886228967790
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè4ÅÅÇȰż¼ (Test volume 2 m) G-20217 05/26/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247581
0592 Hermon Laboratories Ltd. Hermon Laboratories shielded room T-20183 04/14/2027 HaTakhana road, P.O.B. 23, Binyamina, Israel +972 4628 8001
0592 Hermon Laboratories Ltd. OATS G-10869 06/28/2027 HaTakhana road, P.O.B. 23, Binyamina, Israel +972 4626 8440
3598 Intertek Testing Services (Shanghai FTZ) Co., Ltd. Intertek EMC lab (Radiated emission 3 m method) R-14243 04/26/2027 Building No.86, 1198 Qinzhou Road (North), Shanghai, China 200233 +862161278446
4112 Attestation of Global Compliance (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Attestation of Global Compliance (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. T-20102 06/20/2027 1-2/F, Building 19, Junfeng Industrial Park, Chongqing Road, Heping Community, Fuhai Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, P.R.China +86-755-2523 4088
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè4ÅÅÇȰż¼ T-20178 04/14/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247581
4143 KSIGN TESTING CO., LTD. KSIGN TESTING CO., LTD. C-20099 05/23/2027 Buiding 5¡¤No. 316¡¤Jianghong South Road Binjiang District¡¤Hangzhou 310052¡¤China +8613175088000
3598 Intertek Testing Services (Shanghai FTZ) Co., Ltd. Intertek EMC lab (CE at wired network port) T-12252 04/26/2027 Building No.86, 1198 Qinzhou Road (North), Shanghai, China 200233 +862161278446
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè2ÅÅÇȰż¼ C-20182 04/14/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247483
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè5ÅÅÇȰż¼ T-20179 04/14/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247483
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè4ÅÅÇȰż¼ C-20181 04/14/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247581
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè3ÅÅÇȰż¼ T-20181 04/14/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247581
4112 Attestation of Global Compliance (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Attestation of Global Compliance (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. G-20132 06/20/2027 1-2/F, Building 19, Junfeng Industrial Park, Chongqing Road, Heping Community, Fuhai Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, P.R.China +86-755-2523 4088
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè2ÅÅÇȰż¼ T-20180 04/14/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247483
0996 TOYO EMC Engineering ´ØÀ¾·×¬¥»¥ó¥¿¡¼Âç·¿°Å¼¼ T-11540 03/25/2027 ʼ¸Ë¸©»°ÅĻԼò°æ49 079-569-1290
3649 Iwate Industrial Research Institute Âç·¿ÅÅÇȰż¼ R-20049 07/22/2027 ´ä¼ê¸©À¹²¬»ÔËÌÈÓ²¬2ÃúÌÜ4-25 019-635-1115
0137 EIZO Corporation ÅÅÇȰż¼ 2/5 m Anechoic Chamber G-10014 07/13/2027 ÀÐÀÇò»³»Ô²¼ÇðÌîÄ®153ÈÖÃÏ 076-274-2468
3578 VAIO Corporation EMC¥µ¥¤¥È EMI¥·¡¼¥ë¥É¥ë¡¼¥à No. 1 T-11629 09/06/2027 ĹÌ°ÂÆÞÌî»ÔË­²Ê5432 0263-87-0810
0782 ONETECH Corp. ONETECH Corp. C-14617 04/20/2026 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea +82-31-799-9500
3649 Iwate Industrial Research Institute EMI¥·¡¼¥ë¥É¼¼ T-20033 09/09/2027 ´ä¼ê¸©À¹²¬»ÔËÌÈÓ²¬2ÃúÌÜ4-25 019-635-1115
3649 Iwate Industrial Research Institute Âç·¿ÅÅÇȰż¼ T-20034 09/09/2027 ´ä¼ê¸©À¹²¬»ÔËÌÈÓ²¬2ÃúÌÜ4-25 019-635-1115
0782 ONETECH Corp. ONETECH Corp. R-20122 09/13/2026 43-14, Jinsaegol-gil, Chowol-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea +82-31-799-9500
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. SR104 T-20184 05/26/2027 Room 101, 1st floor, No.7 building, Smart Science Park Phase 5, No. 8213, Fanhua Avenue, Economic and Technological Development District, Hefei, Anhui Province,230091P.R. China +86-512-62515088
0842 Spectrum Research & Testing Laboratory Inc. Spectrum Research & Testing Laboratory Inc. G-20053 03/09/2025 No.167, Ln. 780, Shan-Tong Rd., Ling 8, Shan-Tong Li, Chung-Li District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan +886-3-498-7684
4158 TUV SUD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch SAC-3 R-20145 09/05/2027 Building 12 & 13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Guankou Erlu, Nantou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86 755 3332 3241
3207 DSTech Co., Ltd. 10 m semi-anechoic chamber R-20066 03/17/2025 25, 2565beon-gil, Jungbu-daero, Yangji-myun, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 82-31-336-1798
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. AC102 G-20219 04/14/2027 Room 101, 1st floor, No.7 building, Smart Science Park Phase 5, No. 8213, Fanhua Avenue, Economic and Technological Development District, Hefei, Anhui Province,230091P.R. China +86-512-62515088
4101 Taiwan Electric Research & Testing Center EMC-01 T-20097 04/18/2027 No. 6-6, Ronggong S. Rd., Caota Vil., Guanyin Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C. 886-3-4839090 ext 7135
4101 Taiwan Electric Research & Testing Center EMC-01 R-20133 04/18/2027 No. 6-6, Ronggong S. Rd., Caota Vil., Guanyin Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C. 886-3-4839090 ext 7135
4158 TUV SUD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch CSR #1 C-20107 09/05/2027 Building 12 & 13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Guankou Erlu, Nantou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86 755 3332 3241
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. SR104 C-20184 04/14/2027 Room 101, 1st floor, No.7 building, Smart Science Park Phase 5, No. 8213, Fanhua Avenue, Economic and Technological Development District, Hefei, Anhui Province,230091P.R. China +86-512-62515088
4101 Taiwan Electric Research & Testing Center EMC-01 G-20129 04/18/2027 No. 6-6, Ronggong S. Rd., Caota Vil., Guanyin Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C. 886-3-4839090 ext 7135
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. AC102 R-20225 04/14/2027 Room 101, 1st floor, No.7 building, Smart Science Park Phase 5, No. 8213, Fanhua Avenue, Economic and Technological Development District, Hefei, Anhui Province,230091P.R. China +86-512-62515088
4158 TUV SUD Certification and Testing (China) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch CSR #1 T-20107 09/05/2027 Building 12 & 13, Zhiheng Wisdomland Business Park, Guankou Erlu, Nantou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86 755 3332 3241
3207 DSTech Co., Ltd. 10 m semi-anechoic chamber G-20069 03/17/2025 25, 2565beon-gil, Jungbu-daero, Yangji-myun, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 82-031-336-1798
3196 ANRITSU CUSTOMER SUPPORT CO., LTD. EMC¥»¥ó¥¿¡¼ 1¹æÅÅÇȰż¼ R-11044 03/31/2027 ¿ÀÆàÀ¸üÌÚ»Ô²¸Ì¾5-1-1 046-296-6744
3196 ANRITSU CUSTOMER SUPPORT CO., LTD. EMC¥»¥ó¥¿¡¼ 2¹æÅÅÇȰż¼ C-11097 03/31/2027 ¿ÀÆàÀ¸üÌÚ»Ô²¸Ì¾5-1-1 046-296-6744
1980 Eurofins KCTL Co., Ltd. Shielded Room No. 1 T-11320 03/28/2027 52-20, Sinjeong-ro 41 beon-gil, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea +82-31-326-6750
3641 Shenzhen TCT Testing Technology Co., Ltd. 844 Shielded Room C-20100 05/23/2027 2101 & 2201, Zhenchang Factory, Renshan Industrial Zone, Fuhai Subdistrict, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86-0755-27673339
3641 Shenzhen TCT Testing Technology Co., Ltd. 844 Shielded Room T-20101 06/20/2027 2101 & 2201, Zhenchang Factory, Renshan Industrial Zone, Fuhai Subdistrict, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86-0755-27673339
3196 ANRITSU CUSTOMER SUPPORT CO., LTD. EMC¥»¥ó¥¿¡¼ 2¹æÅÅÇȰż¼ R-11045 03/31/2027 ¿ÀÆàÀ¸üÌÚ»Ô²¸Ì¾5-1-1 046-296-6744
0474 UL Japan, Inc ËܼÒEMC»î¸³½ê¡¡Âè1ÅÅÇȰż¼ (Test volume 4.8 m) G-20220 05/26/2027 »°½Å¸©°ËÀª»ÔÄ«·§Ä®4383ÈÖ326 0596247483
3196 ANRITSU CUSTOMER SUPPORT CO., LTD. EMC¥»¥ó¥¿¡¼ 1¹æÅÅÇȰż¼ C-11096 03/31/2027 ¿ÀÆàÀ¸üÌÚ»Ô²¸Ì¾5-1-1 046-296-6744
3641 Shenzhen TCT Testing Technology Co., Ltd. 3 m Anechoic Chamber R-20137 06/20/2027 2101 & 2201, Zhenchang Factory, Renshan Industrial Zone, Fuhai Subdistrict, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86-0755-27673339
3649 Iwate Industrial Research Institute Âç·¿ÅÅÇȰż¼ C-20035 09/09/2027 ´ä¼ê¸©À¹²¬»ÔËÌÈÓ²¬2ÃúÌÜ4-25 019-635-1115
3137 TDK Corporation ½©ÅÄEMC¥»¥ó¥¿¡¼¡¡¥·¡¼¥ë¥É¥ë¡¼¥à T-20116 02/20/2025 ½©Åĸ©¤Ë¤«¤Û»ÔÊ¿Âô»úΩÂô200 0184-35-5088
3649 Iwate Industrial Research Institute EMI¥·¡¼¥ë¥É¼¼ C-20034 09/09/2027 ´ä¼ê¸©À¹²¬»ÔËÌÈÓ²¬2ÃúÌÜ4-25 019-635-1115
3649 Iwate Industrial Research Institute Âç·¿ÅÅÇȰż¼ G-20052 09/09/2027 ´ä¼ê¸©À¹²¬»ÔËÌÈÓ²¬2ÃúÌÜ4-25 019-635-1115
1062 Eurofins Electrical and Electronic UK Limited Grangemouth Laboratory T-12268 05/17/2027 Unit 1, Grangemouth Technology Park, Earls Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8UZ, UK 01324 469000
0346 TDK-Lambda Corporation Ĺ²¬¥Æ¥¯¥Ë¥«¥ë¥»¥ó¥¿¡¼¡¡EMC¥Æ¥¹¥È¥µ¥¤¥È R-13091 07/13/2027 ¿·³ã¸©Ä¹²¬»ÔÀÝÅIJ°Ä®2704ÈÖÃÏ1 0258-22-3663
1153 DEKRA Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. FS-CB03 G-20135 06/20/2027 No. 6, Lane 75, Wenlin St., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. +886-2-86013788
4153 Bay Area Compliance Labs Corp. (Linkou Laboratory) Conduction Room C-20104 07/19/2027 No. 6, Wende 2 Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33382, Taiwan(R.O.C.) +886-3-3961072
1062 Eurofins Electrical and Electronic UK Limited Grangemouth Laboratory G-10866 05/17/2027 Unit 1, Grangemouth Technology Park, Earls Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8UZ, UK 01324 469000
3641 Shenzhen TCT Testing Technology Co., Ltd. 3 m Anechoic Chamber G-20133 05/23/2027 2101 & 2201, Zhenchang Factory, Renshan Industrial Zone, Fuhai Subdistrict, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China +86-0755-27673339
1062 Eurofins Electrical and Electronic UK Limited Grangemouth Laboratory C-14741 05/17/2027 Unit 1, Grangemouth Technology Park, Earls Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8UZ, UK 01324 469000
4153 Bay Area Compliance Labs Corp. (Linkou Laboratory) Conduction Room T-20105 07/19/2027 No.6, Wende 2Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33382, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-3-3961072
4153 Bay Area Compliance Labs Corp. (Linkou Laboratory) 966B Chamber G-20136 07/19/2027 No. 6, Wende 2 Rd., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 33382, Taiwan(R.O.C.) +886-3-3961072
1062 Eurofins Electrical and Electronic UK Limited Grangemouth Laboratory R-14258 05/17/2027 Unit 1, Grangemouth Technology Park, Earls Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8UZ, UK 01324 469000
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